7 Keys To Accomplishing
Your Purpose
Do you know why you are here on earth, if you do, are you pursuing it? If you are pursuing it are you on the path to see it
Can you say like Paul when you are about to exit this world – ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course…’ or like Jesus – who said on cross, ‘It is finished’ or of David in Acts 13:36a ‘Now when David had served his own generation, he fell asleep’.
7 KEYS TO ACCOMPLISHING YOUR PURPOSE encourages you to discover, embrace and accomplish your purpose.
1. Pray to accomplish your purpose
2. Power to accomplish your purpose
3. Provision for your purpose
4. People to assist in accomplishing your purpose
5. Plan your action steps to accomplish your purpose
6. Perform your action steps to accomplish your purpose
7. Persevere till you accomplish your purpose
The principles in the book can also be applied to different goals and objectives in life, from wanting to be debt free, to building an orphanage
to building a church. It is time to start seeing your purpose, dreams, plans and desires accomplished. With God you can make it happen.