The Goals and Prayer Journal is to encourage you to Make Each Day Count.
It has been designed to help you to look at goals holistically, by writing down and working on the goals that will impact 6 key areas of your life. You will also find helpful Bible scriptures and Prayer Points to inspire your thoughts and goals.
This is what you will get:
- A5 UNDATED WIRO BOUND JOURNAL – Can be utilised at any time of the year
- Goals in 6 core areas of life to see the big picture of how the goals in one area of life affect another. Each goal to end with due dates.
- Action steps in bite sizes to make goals achievable
- Promises from the Bible that align with your goals
- Prayer points and Testimonies (things to be thankful for) as you work on each goal. Some helpful prayer points on the 6 core areas included in the journal
- Reflections from Bible studies – Read your Bible in a year plan included in the journal
- BOOKMARK - 2022 Calendar on one side and lined spaces to capture key 2022 goals on the other side with due dates
- INDEX MARKER – Transparent coloured markers to organise your journal and highlight content where necessary